Why I Keep a Simple Closet

There’s really no better barometer for how things are going in my world than my closet. I’ve been keeping a pretty simple wardrobe (or capsule closet) for about five years now so if it’s neat and minimal, things are going pretty well. If it looks stuffed and random … yeah, it’s time for an overhaul.

I can’t count the times over the past few months I have stood in front of my closet thinking, “I hate everything I own.” I have sifted through things I don’t love or that don’t fit too many times or pulled out something I do like only to find it missing a button or sporting a brand new bleach stain.

Today’s task was to tame my wardrobe, and I’m happy to say the deed is done. My closet is once again simple and lovely, and I am already looking forward to getting dressed in the morning. I culled a whole trash bag of clothes, shoes, and bags from closet and left with myself with about 40 items, including work clothes, casual clothes, and an inordinate about of yoga pants. I don’t count underwear, socks, or bras, and I also don’t count purses or pairs of shoes though if I did it would bump that number by about 8 or 10.

Suggestion: My Capsule Closet

Some people think I’m crazy when I tell them how few clothes I own. Some people think it’s impossible to live like this. I’ve been doing it quite happily for five years so I’d say it works for me, and this is why.

I like ALL my clothes.

When I’m on top of things, my closet is a joy. Everything inside it fits me. Everything is something I enjoy wearing, and everything is in good repair. Most of the items coordinate, and those that don’t are stand alone favorite.

When things get out of whack, I end up with silly t-shirts I only wear as pj’s, tops that I constantly have to fuss with, and 8 pairs of black yoga pants. Eight!

Packing is easy.

My hubs and I took a quick overnight trip to the beach a few weekends ago. The week leading up to it was a little busy, and my head wasn’t really into packing. On the morning we were leaving, I put on a casual comfy outfit (that I loved!) and tossed another in my bag. It was easy to choose because I like all my clothes.

Now if I had to pack for an extended trip, things might be a little more difficult. I don’t have a lot of clothes so I’d be praying for a washer & dryer option!

Shop is easier AND guilt free.

I don’t enjoy shopping. I never have really. I’m just not that into fashion, and shopping always has that added “bonus” of feeling guilty that I’m spending unnecessarily on myself. At least that’s how it used to be.

Nowadays when I shop, I know exactly what I need. After this most recent closet overhaul, I need another pair of capri pants and a couple of casual tops (not t-shirts). I don’t need but wouldn’t mind a simple summer dress if I found just the right item.

And if I walked into one store and found every single item, I would feel a bit of guilt. I know I’m not over-buying or simply indulging myself. My closet is sparse so when I say I need something, I really need it.

I still don’t love shopping, and if I won the lottery, I’d probably pay someone to do it for me. But at least in the mean time, I don’t hate it as much anymore.

A simple wardrobe probably isn’t for everyone. I know people who just couldn’t live without 3 or 4 times as many items in their closet to choose from, and that’s okay. We’re all different. I think the most important part of the capsule closet is just being aware of what’s there and letting go of things when they have outlived their usefulness.

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